72 Hours In Norway
What happens when you party in a pub in London until midnight on a Friday night? You go to bed at 1:00am, wake up at 3:00am and head to the airport of course! (Or at least, this was the case for us...YOLO!) Ready and set for a fun filled 72...
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Biking Amsterdam’s Countryside
Life as a flight attendant for a major airline means I'm on call for work 6 days out of the month in 3 day blocks, and I can get called at anytime, and get sent anywhere around the world. Thinking I was going to make some easy money and get paid to sit at home, I got...
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Banff National Park: A 2 Week Guide & Road Trip Itinerary
Banff... Canada's oldest national park (established in 1885) located in the rocky mountains, and surrounded by the most beautiful outdoor scenery: tall towering pine tree's, pristine reservoirs, mighty mountains, and the bluest of blue crystal watercolor lakes....
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How To Maximize The Fun At the Drive In
When's the last time you had a little "old school fun?" The next time you're looking for a fun and different summertime/fall activity, round up your friends/family and head to the drive in! The drive-in movie is the perfect summertime activity to get out, and enjoy...
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Photo’s To Inspire You To Catch The Next Sunrise & Sunset {Photo Diary}
"A sunrise and sunset well spent, brings a day of content..." & there's just something about watching a sunrise and a sunset. It brings a sense of calmness, peacefulness, serenity, and the feeling that it's just you and the sun, and all your worries just seem to...
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Shepard Road Airport Parking
The next time you fly through MSP, Shepard Road Airport Parking is the place to be! (To park and fly✈) I had the opportunity recently to test out their services, and I can only say good things. As a girl who is always on the go, working in an industry where I have...
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Where & How To Happy Hour In Cincinnatti, Ohio
I like to get happy at happy hour... And there's 4 spots in downtown Cincinatti you need to check out and add to your happy hour list. hap·py hour ˈhapē ˌou(ə)r/ noun a period of the day when drinks are sold at reduced prices in a bar or restaurant. A time to...
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How To Enjoy A Spring Weekend In Duluth, Minnesota
Duluth: A beautiful city in northern Minnesota, located by Lake Superior, one of the Greatest Lakes of the Great Lakes, and a major port city in the U.S. A tourist destination in the Midwest, and a popular college town and University choice. I ended up having a free...
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Getting To Play MN Tour Guide For A Day
I love everything that's old: old friends, old times, old books, old wines... and just like that, great friends just pick up where they left off! Let's rewind to February, 2014, where I hopped on a plane across the country to study abroad in the 'Land Down Under'...
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10 Things You Need To Do & See In Australia
Happy Australia Day! This place will always have a special place in my heart, especially after having the chance to study abroad and live in ' the land down under ' for 6 months. The country is filled with some of the most beautiful landscapes, sunrises & sunsets,...
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