“Come stow away on my getaways,
and carry-on, along, on my adventures with me”

Hey! I’m Carly, the creator and founder of CarryOnCarly
I’m 23, recently graduated from college, and still trying to figure out this whole life thing
Born and raised in Minnesota ( Also known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes, MinneSNOWta, and where most people, think we sound like the people in the movie Fargo….”Dontcha know”)
I have come to learn that in order to succeed and be happy in life, we need to chase and go after our dreams and passions
Traveling, and exploring, just happens to be one of mine
It all started with a Study Abroad experience – One of the best experiences of my life I should add!
I flew halfway across the world, to live in the land down unda- Australia, for 5 months
I learned and gained so much insight there: Who I was, who I wanted to be, and who I was becoming
Everything I did, and everyone I met, were life learning lessons
Since that experience, I have gained this urge to go out and explore new places, meet new people, and to create new memories
Exploring Australia, along with the other countries I’ve been too, lead me to want to Explore my own backyard,
To look deeper into the local cities and places around me, and to appreciate the beauty every place has to offer

I came up with the idea CarryOnCarly, so you can come stow away on my Carry-On
And to feel and be a part on my adventures
I hope while carrying along on my adventures, it will put a spark, and urge, for you to carry on yours