Planning your next vacation or a weekend away? A last minute spontaneous trip? Leaving to go Backpack or Study Abroad? Here’s a Traveler’s Checklist I created to help you with your next getaway oversea’s.
Things to do before you go…
- Memorize pin codes to your credit cards. Make sure your cards won’t expire while abroad!
- Contact your bank and credit card companies to let them know you will be out of state/country. Do no carry cards that you do not need with you!
- Invest in a good map and guide book for your destination
- Consider a phrase book or app if you don’t speak the language (Duolingo is a great app for beginners!)
- Brush up on the culture and history of the country/countries you will be visiting
- Pay all your bills or decide how you will pay them abroad
- Give copies of your passport and itineraries to a family member or trusted friend
- Make sure that all your vaccinations are up to date. Also make sure that you get any necessary or recommended vaccinations for the country that you will be traveling to. For example: Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever, or Typhus vaccinations. You can check with the CDC website to see what those would be.
- Check with the airlines you’re flying with for carry-on and weight restrictions, as well as how much checked luggage costs on your airline
- Check to see what season you will be traveling in – this will be a good guide when it comes to packing (Also, don’t forget to pack extra underwear!)
- Check with an airport security website on regulations. Regulations change on a daily basis
What to do once you arrived…
- Contact family to let them know you’re safe. Even if you are very tired, they will really appreciate it
- Get over jet leg faster by rehydrating yourself and getting used to a normal sleep schedule. For example: If you arrive in the morning, do not go to sleep right away; sleep according to their clock
- Do your research and find where you can exchange money. Sometimes big banks are the best option, or you may find the same rate at the local hotels/hostels. It is also best to convert some cash when at the airport before you go
- Be willing to integrate yourself into the culture, try the food and meet locals!
- Be flexible! Chances are it will be different than you expected
- Be prepared and ok for the unexpected to happen. (They usually create the best stories 🙂 )
- And most important of all: Get excited for a completely new experience!
Have any other tips and tricks that you have on your traveler’s checklist or think I should add? Please do post a comment below and let me know 🙂 . Happy Travels!
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