CarryOnCarly: A girl who is pursuing her dreams, and making them become a reality

The whole idea and concept of CarryOnCarly, is for you to come stow away on my life adventure, living vicariously through me. From this I hope it will inspire you to go after your dreams, passions, and inspirations.

-What makes you happy?

-What are you good at?

-What do you want to try to do or accomplish in the next year, month, week, tomorrow?

-If you lived everyday like it was your last what would you do?


Life is too short and precious to be living in fear, regret, boredom, and being stressed.

Try to find and bring a little happiness into each day, by doing something you love. Even if that something is for as little as 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes (or more) can bring a change in your mood for that day.  A state of happiness.  

Whether that be drawing, reading, singing, cooking, meditating, playing a musical instrument or listening to music, working out, visiting friends,family, and loved ones….The list goes on.


What makes you come alive?


“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes YOU come alive and then GO DO THAT. 

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

This is a favorite quote of mine. Do what makes you come alive, and include that in your hobbies, your career, the activities you chose to do, and the people you hang out with.

I want to inspire others

To go after your dreams

To DO what makes you come alive

And Most Important – Be Happy

*To be happy in life is to then say I have lived a good life.*

My goals and Mission for CarryOnCarly goes as follows:

-Connecting with people, bringing others/and other cultures together

-Start small Local, then go Global 

Every trip made and taken, is a learning experience and memory that lasts a lifetime

-I’m pursuing my dreams…It’s time for you to pursue yours

-Carry on my adventure, so you can start your spark to carryon yours




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